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Celebrate the power of Smile Day

C'mon, let's celebrate the power of Smile Day!

Be happy, it's Smile Day! A day worth celebrating!

Did you smile today?
Let's take a break for a while to breathe, smile, and laugh!
Be happy and smile. Do you realize that from the first hour in the morning till late in the night we are scheduling various tasks for the day, set priorities, DOS and DONTS, running all the time to do and achieve things?
"A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose." - Tom Wilson
Celebrate smile day
Smile day celebration - Pixabay Alexas Fotos

We are running all the time to have more and to get more for our so said well being or (sometimes unconsciously) to show off in front of our families, friends, colleagues, neighbors. We are losing our sleep, forget to SEE, communicate and share valuable moments with our dear ones, thinking about our “have to do things”, struggling how to manage this or that, and slowly we realize that we are stressed, we have to bear lots of pressure from various sources, time runs in front of us and we keep postponing to take a break and simply relax.

So, let’s help ourselves, slow down a bit the rhythm, look around, and be happy with whatever we are and have at the moment, and smile.

Smile for being healthy, smile for all small or big achievements on any plan, smile for doing the right thing.

Live life NOW and SMILE! : )
People needed so much to celebrate the power of a smile that created at least 3 lovely unique celebrations for it:
- 15th of June - National Smile Power day
- The second week in August - National Smile Week
- First Friday in October - World Smile Day

National Smile Week is celebrated during the second week of August to promote happiness and make people smile and laugh. Now is the perfect moment to make people smile and laugh using all your nice thoughts, ideas, imagination, creativity, and cheerful spirit.

There are plenty of friendly, funny, or even cheeky ways and ideas to make people smile and laugh!

So, tell a joke, go to a stand-up comedy, watch a funny movie, tickle and winkle to somebody, read funny quotes or a fun book, send a message adding some smileys, simply watch children playing in a park...

Smile today, smile tomorrow, smile whole this week, month, year! Smile every day! And turn smiling into a daily habit!

Smile for any reason! Smile for no reason! : )

Have no idea why National Smile Week was categorized as an unusual, bizarre, or even wacky celebration, while in fact, it should be our way of day-to-day living!!!

Smiling won't harm you in any way, but it may bring joy for all the others around you seeing a smiling happy face (instead of a grouchy one)

Enjoy and celebrate World Smile Day smiling and laughing, offering and bringing smiles and laughs to all!
"A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles." - William Hazlitt
The power of smile
The power of a smile - Pixabay Alexas Fotos
"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." - Denis Waitley
Find a reason to smile every day and make a plan for smiling a week
Let’s take a break from our daily activities and routine and dedicate it entirely to us and the people around us! Make a special gift to everyone that comes close to us!
Now, take a break for one split second, a minute, an hour, a day to smile and laugh!
And why not extend our smiling and laughing for even a week or a month, to enjoy life and ourselves?

Simply smile:
- right before getting off the bed,
- having around dear persons, valuable for you,
- witnessing an amazing sunrise or sunset,
- seeing a smiling child,
- walking in the alley and seeing colorful autumn leaves around,
- hearing your kid saying “I love you mom” or “I love you, dad”,
- drinking your first cup of coffee,
- taking a “foamy” bath,
- planning a holiday with your friends,
- walking your dog,
- watching a comedy – Pirates of the Caribbean, Home alone or other,
- seeing first raindrops falling on your garden,
- buying a cute accessory for your kitchen (a smoothie maker), living room, etc,
- reading a good book,
- listening to your favorite music or singer on the way to work,
- preparing something special for you or a special person,
- being focused on your latest hobby – art pottery, scuba diving, photography, or any other,
- posting a funny quote or photo to a friend on her/ his Facebook wall,
- compliment someone.

National smile week
Smile day - Pixabay TranMauTriTam

Learn to be happy with yourself, think positive, and smile!
Learn to share smiles! Smile today, smile this week, smile always!
To be happy with yourself and content with your life is one of the main priorities of each individual.

It is proved that whenever you are satisfied or happy with yourself and think positive, everything that you do turns out good faster and better, you work easier, more efficient, have better relationships with everybody around, your ideas are more constructive and you get positive results on most actions.

To be happy with yourself means to be content with your own person (the one that you became), with who you are now, your whole life as it is now.

When you are satisfied, think positive and smile, you feel so great! You have an inner calmness, general mental comfort, and confidence.

You feel better in your own shoes, and without notice, you’ll start to consider favorable all circumstances, your good mood and smiling face connecting your mind with various plans for the future with great chances for success, because they are built on a positive state of mind and inner contentment.

Learn to think positively, be happy with what you are, and what you achieved (be it small or big), and smile!

Find a reason to be happy and smile, then keep smiling every day, smile every week, always smiling!

Make them smile a way of living! :)
"After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, and the soul's indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer." - William R. Alge
- Always keep smiling
- Smile now, smile today, smile tomorrow, smile whole this week, month, year!
- Smile every day! And turn smiling into a daily habit!
- They even invented "smiley" and "smileys faces"... for you... to make you smile! :)
- Smile makes you more attractive and look younger.

It is said that:
- It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.
- A smile makes you feel good and others be happy.
- Smiling is contagious and brings new friends.
- Smile for no reason and celebrate the power of a smile, World Smile Day, and National Smile Week!
"Don't cry for a man who's left you, the next one may fall for your smile." - Mae West
The Smile Power - learn to be funnier and more loveable than ever - every single day, now!

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